Backing Women in Business with HSBC

Content strategy, copywriting, and video production for Mediaplanet and HSBC

At Mediaplanet, I worked with HSBC to help spotlight their initiative to support women entrepreneurs, as well as clear pathways for young women and girls to enter traditionally male-dominated industries like banking. 


For the campaign’s print and digital content, I interviewed Cate Luzio, former global head of multinational corporate banking for HSBC. She provided 10 insightful tips for aspiring entrepreneurs, covering everything from effective LinkedIn networking strategies to the importance of calling your family more often. The article was distributed in the weekend edition of USA Today and further promoted across the bank’s social channels. You can read it in full here.



I also produced video content for HSBC, highlighting the HSBC x Girls Inc. mentoring program, which aims to prepare young girls from New York City high schools for college, and their future careers.

Also featuring Cate Luzio, the video follows a group of girls as they attend the American Banker Gala. My responsibilities included storyboarding, interviewing, and final editing.



We also produced social-first content for HSBC to promote the campaign across organic channels. See below for an example. Graphic design by Kathleen Edison.



Looks like you’re at a dead end. What do you want to do now?

  • Wanna collaborate? Let’s work together. Slide into my DMs and shoot your shot.

  • While many say print is dying, I’m still quietly hoping for a resurgence. Check out the print production work I did at Mediaplanet.

  • Break time? Grab your headphones and bop to my 80s playlist on Spotify, featuring Culture Club, Janet Jackson, and Bananarama.