My Work

I am a Brooklyn based writer and editor with 9 years of content marketing experience. Here are some of my favorite projects I’ve worked on:


Research reports highlighting the value of employer-sponsored 401(k) plans and the role retirement planning plays in overall financial well-being.


Script treatment, concept development, and copywriting for 2020 brand campaign featuring Jimmy O. Yang.


Concept development, copywriting, and art direction for N26’s first out-of-home campaign.


Directed the production of weekly print issues distributed with USA Today, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, and Los Angeles Times.


Content strategy, writing, and production for Mediaplanet’s HSBC campaign, highlighting the company’s women in business initiative.


At Mediaplanet, I wrote several cover stories, often interviews with inspiring celebrities or influential thought leaders championing important causes.


Thanks for checking out my work! 🤠

Since you’ve made it this far, here are a few logical next steps you could consider:

  • Say hello! Whether you want to talk business or learn about the time I got paid to ghostwrite online dating profiles, slide into my DMs and let’s chat.

  • Let’s “take this offline.” (Corporate buzzwords make me absolutely insane.) Find me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Spotify.